Server Maintenance 07.03.2020 at 12:15 - Patch 1.8.7
- You couldn't place a price higher than 9,999,999,999 for an item' s auction.
- The name of the items now start with a upper case letter for example "Hair Petru II" , the roman numerals are upper case aswell "II" instead of "ii".
Bugfixes:- Searching certain items on the shop didn't work.
- If the shop window was overlapping the inventory, you could see the items in the inventory popping out through the shop.
- You couldn't PM player whose names started with the letters D,X,P,etc because they were seen by the system as an emoji.
- You couldn't see the attendant's description if you placed 2 or more emojis before placing it in chat.
- The race filter of the offline shop was not working correctly.
- Deactivated more useless logs.
- Added a new interface for the Offline Shop(it will go through more modifications in the next 2 days, especially the look of the search shop window where we will add the item prices and the shop owner name.
- Now you can type in trade 1k / 1kk / 1kkk / 1kkkk / etc , if works anywhere.
Mentenanță programată la 07.03.2020 la 12:15 - Patch 1.8.7
Changes:- Nu puteai pune un pret mai mare de 9,999,999,999 la Licitatia unui Item(de asemenea licitatia va fi modificata in urmatoarele 2 zile conform sugestiilor facute de voi si acceptate de catre noi)
- Numele itemelor in search incep acum cu literă mare exemplu " Frizura Petru II " la fel şi cu I nu i s.a.m.d
- Nu mergeau cautate unele iteme pe shop.
- Daca search shop-ul se suprapunea peste inventar, erau afisate si itm din inventar.
- Nu puteai da PM jucătorilor ale căror nume începea cu un caracter ce putea fi interpretat ca şi emoji, de exemplu D,X,P,etc.
- Nu se vedea descrierea însoţitorului dacă puneai 2 sau mai multe emoticoane înaintea acestuia.
- Filtrul de cautare dupa rase era stricat.
- Dezactivate mai multe loguri inutile care ocupau spatiu.
- Adaugata noua interfata a Offline Shopului(aceasta va mai fi modificata in urmatoarele 2 zile, mai ales aspectul ferestrei de search shop unde vom pune sa se vada si pretul itemelor si numele ownerului shopului)
- Acum poti scrie in exchange 1k / 1kk / 1kkk / 1kkkk / etc , merge oriunde.