- Added 8 lives at the Kingdoms War and changed the target to 99 kills. The first kingdom to score 99 will win.
- Blocked Fried Perch at Guilds War and in PvP map.
- Blocked trades in PvP map.
- Blocked mounts at Kingdoms War.
- Disabled Hide Costume/Hairstyle and Weaponskin for a little while to run some tests and find if this is the cause why some quests are reseted.
- At meley you could enter even if you had cooldown, if you changed the leader of the group with someone who did not have cooldown
- The waters no longer displayed the bonuses offered.
- At meley you could enter even if you did not have level 115.
- Fixed an issue where some CHs crashed.
- Made changes to improve the game's performance.
Mentenanță programată la 02.11.2019 la 12:20 AM - Patch 1.7.2
- Am adaugat 8 vieti la razboiul regatelor si am schimbat targetul la 99 de kill-uri. Primul regat care atinge scorul 99 va castiga.
- Am blocat bibanii prajiti la Razboaiele Breslelor si din harta PvP.
- Eliminate negoturile din Harta PvP
- Eliminate mounturile de la razboiul regatelor
- Dezactivat momentan Hide Costume/Hairstyle şi Weaponskin pentru a verifica dacă de aici se resetează statusul misiunilor precum cele de la biolog.
- La meley puteai intra chiar daca aveai cooldown, daca schimbai liderul grupei cu cineva care nu avea cooldown
- Apele nu mai afisau bonusurile oferite
- La meley puteai intra chiar daca nu aveai nivel 115.
- Fixata o problema de la care picau unele CH-uri.
- Facute modificari pentru a imbunatati performantele jocului.