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Patchnotes 3.1.9 [Maintenance 12.10.2022]

Posted: 12 Oct 2022, 10:48
by Hayo
Maintenance 12.10.2022
Game version is now 3.1.9

  • Added Custom Outfits.
  • Added Halloween EVENT. - Reapers of Terror are back
  • Added the ability to choose the country flag in character selection.
  • Added Ghost Stone Scroll+, now you can choose which stone you will remove from weapon/armor, can be found at Chen.

Changes & Bugfixes
  • Fixed the bravery cape problem in dungeons.
  • Fixed a bug, when you hide Buffi and you press Bravery Cape, the buffi's name appears.
  • Fixed a bug about render some monsters, they doesn't appear near you but they attack you.
  • Fixed a bug where some mounts had shining on metalic parts but when you mount them that shining was removed.
  • Fixed an issue at remember item price if you try to put the same item again for sale.
  • Fixed the wrong cooldown display on F6 for Jotun Thrym dungeon. It was 2 hours instead of 30 minutes.
  • Fixed "Boss Scroll(Legendary)" should have a confirmation window like all the boss scrolls.
  • Transmutation symbol is not shown on equipped costumes that have transmutation.
  • Fixed a problem about hair dyed, about when you equip a hairstyle and the color disappears from your hair.
  • Fixed a bug at Coward Mode, when cooldown expire set your character on Free Mode instead of Peace Mode.
  • Fixed an issue with slot effect for active skills.
  • Fixed a problem with the effect of Blessed Dragon Sword.
  • Academic Wings were not visible on Warrior F.
  • Fixed Wicked Knight Hair on Sura M.
  • Fixed the position of the Loading Pop-up Window.
  • Fixed a problem at vote4buff in-game icon and bonus values which were displayed wrong.