Patchnotes 3.3.6 [Maintenance 01.02.2023]

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Joined: 14 Jan 2019, 22:48

Maintenance 01.02.2022
Game version is now 3.3.6

  • Removed the last 3 digits of the Yang from the inventory, offlineshop safebox, offlineshop item prices and from everywhere else (1KKKK became 1KKK). All gold ingots, all yang sources and systems that require yang were also adjusted. This will NOT affect the economy of the server in any way, the Yang will be obtained in the same way, the prices will be the same only with 3 less digits to make everything easier.
  • Added Expert Dungeon Mode for the following dungeons: Nemere, Razador, Elemental Magician, Jotun, Chaos, Nephrite, Hydra, Malivore, Cosmic Dragon, Nautilus, Ghost Pirate.
    • This system allows you to do some dungeons at a higher difficulty level and to get more loot.
    • Dungeons can be found on F6 by selecting "Expert" on the left side of the window.
    • To enter the expert dungeon you will need a new permit craftable at Chen.
    • You can enter in dungeon from level Hero I, and can only be done solo.
    • The cooldown of the expert dungeon will be 1.5x longer than the normal dungeon cooldown.
    • The cooldown of the expert dungeon will also apply to the normal one and vice versa, meaning you can't do both dungeons.
    • You can't polymorph (transform) in the expert dungeons.
    • All bosses will have 50kk HP and the same amount of resistances. The bosses are also immune to poison.
    • Finished expert dungeons will count as 2x in the weekly rankings.
    • All mobs and stones from the expert dungeons will have double HP and will deal double damage.
    • The drop from the dungeon is doubled, and on top of it, bosses will drop an Expert Chest with useful items.

  • Added Rarity System with 6/7 bonuses.
    • With this system you can add two more bonuses on your weapon, armor, shoes, shield, helmet and accessories.
    • Depending on the values of the 6/7 bonuses you get, there are 5 types of rarities (common, uncommon, rare, mythic and legendary).
    • The rarity of the item will in turn increase the default base bonuses of the item by a small percentage (2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, 10%).
    • To add the 6/7 bonuses on items you need Powershards and Additives.
    • After the Powershards and Additives are added, the items will be taken by Theowahdan for 2 hours to add their bonuses. During this time the item will dissapear from your inventory and 2 hours expire you will find out if the bonuses are successfully added or not. You can decrease the waiting time to 1 hour if you have Premium.
    • When adding a bonus you can use between 1-10 Powershards and 1-10 Additives to increase the chance of success.
    • There are 3 types of powershards which offer different success chances and they drop at Salvation Stones.
      • ImageSmall - 1% chance of success
      • ImageMedium - 2% chance of success
      • ImageHigh - 3% chance of success
    • ImageAdditives are obtained in Hard Dungeons from Expert Chest and offer a 2% chance of success.
    • After the 6/7 bonuses are added, they can be changed with Orison, which is crafted at Theowahdan.
      • ImageSmall - 30% chance of success
      • ImageMedium - chance of success
      • ImageHigh - 70% chance of success
      • ImageLegendary - 100% chance of success.
    • The 6/7 bonuses are different depending on the type of item they are added on.
      Strong vs. Fire/Water/Earth/Air 5%
      Strong vs. metins 1-5%
      Strong vs boss 1-5%
      Strong vs half-human 1-5%
      Critical hit 1-5%
      Piercing hit 1-5%
      STR/INT/DEX/VIT 1-5
      Cast speed 1-5%
      Poison chance 1-5%
      Slow chance 1-5%
      Stun chance 1-5%
      Attack value 10-50

      Cast speed 1-5%
      Attack value 10-50
      Sword/Dagger/2 hand/Fan/Bell defence 5%
      HP 100-500
      Chance to reflect phyisical attack 1-5%
      Damage absoerbed by HP 1-5%

      STR/INT/DEX/VIT 1-5
      Chance to reflect phyisical attack 1-5%
      Chance to bonus-EXP 1-5%
      Chance to receive more Yang 1-5%
      Strong vs half human 1-5%

      Strong vs. metins 1-5%
      Strong vs boss 1-5%
      Chance to receive more items 1-5%
      Move speed 1-5%

      HP 100-500
      Strong vs. metins 1-5%
      Strong vs boss 1-5%
      Chance to receive more Yang 1-5%
      Critical hit 1-5%
      Piercing hit 1-5%
      Chance to bonus-EXP 1-5%
      Stun chance 1-5%
      Sword/Dagger/2 hand/Fan/Bell defence 1-5%
      Cast speed 1-5%

      HP 100-500
      Strong vs. metins 1-5%
      Strong vs boss 1-5%
      Chance to receive more items 1-5%
      Piercing hit 1-5%
      Damage absoerbed by HP 1-5%

      Critical hit 1-5%
      Slow chance 1-5%
      Stun chance 1-5%
      Attack speed 1-5%
      Chance to bonus-EXP 1-5%
      Chance to receive more Yang 1-5%
      Move speed 1-5%

      Strong vs. metins 1-5%
      Strong vs boss 1-5%
      Critical hit 1-5%
      Slow chance 1-5%
      Stun chance 1-5%
      Chance to bonus-EXP 1-5%
      Chance to receive more Yang 1-5%
      Chance to receive more items 1-5%

  • Added Salvation Stones, these stones will work just like Boss Scrolls and they will call some special stones with very useful loot.
    • Salvation Stone is a special metin that can't be found in any map.
    • To get one Salvation Stone you need 10 Salvation Fragment, which are obtained from different metin stones.
    • There are 3 types of Salvation Fragments:
      • ImageSalvation Fragment (Common) - Are obtained from level 90 metins stones.
      • ImageSalvation Fragment (Rare) - Are obtained from metins from Beta maps, Enchanted Forest and Serpent Ruins.
      • ImageSalvation Fragment (Legendary) - Are obtained from expert chest and metins from Arcanis.
    • When you have 10 fragments they will automatically turn into a Salvation Stone scroll.
    • There are 3 types of stones: ImageCommon, ImageRare, ImageLegendary
    • To spawn a metin right click on Salvation Stone scroll. Each type of Salvation Stone can have 3 variations which drop different cosmetics like pet & mount skins and wings.

  • Added Fire, Water, Earth, Air Stone +4 to add on the weapon socket, they will have a low chance to drop at Salvation Stones. They can be upgraded to +5 in DT.
  • Added PvP Event Consumables Shop where you can buy untradeable items like potions, equipment, reinforcements. These items will have a duration of 15 minutes and you will be able to buy them at any official PvP Event.
  • Added Custom Outfits.
  • Added February Battlepass.
  • Added new mission diversity for blessed wings after level 5. Added the missions to kill Nemere & Razador & Chaos & Nephrite.
  • Added Golden Buffi Bracelet & Necklace & Earrings and Golden Talisman to the Golden Wizard NPC forge.
  • Added a special Tanaka mob at the Tanaka Event that will drop 2 & 3 & 4 Chests.
  • Added a special Golden Frog stone that will drop 5x Golden Fragments.
  • Added Strong vs. All for the Berserker skill for Warrior. Almost nobody used this skill before because it only caused you to receive increased damage.
  • Added all mounts and pets from the different dungeons in the same crafting category at the Stable Boy NPC for easier access.
  • Added two new Energy Crystals at crafting at the Alchemist:
    • ImageAdvanced Energy Crystal(PvM) which offers Energy and +10% Bosses & Stones
    • ImageAdvanced Energy Crystal(PvP) which offers Energy and +1500 HP

  • Added Sunlight Chest, a chest similar to Moonlight Chest but it has a better drop and it will only drop at higher level.
  • Added both battlepasses in the same window, you can switch between the windows.

Fixes & Changes
  • Lowered the bonuses of the potions from general store by a small percentage to encourage players to create the permanent ones with full bonuses from Chen.
  • Made Chen buffs Critical/Piercing hit+, Dragon god buffs+ permanent.
  • Slightly lowered the chance of succes of +4 stones in DT because they were too easy to make.
  • Increased the amount of ingots and ancient coins that all small bosses like nine tails drop.
  • Changed the crafting requirements for dungeon passes, mainly added the new powders that drop in the beta maps. Re-organized the crafting category of dungeon passes to be in the same order as in the dungeon info window on F6.
  • Reworked the drop from the following dungeons: Nemere, Razador, Jotun, Nephrite, Chaos. The bosses will now drop a chest that contains new upgrade materials. We lowered the upgrade and craft required items from these dungeons to match their new rarity. We replaced all existing upgrade materials from these dungeons in players inventories with enough yang ingots as to cover their market value.
  • Reworked the Gautama, Thunder, Fire Dragon Island, Chaos/Nephrite Bay stones. Stone HP was increased, the mob HP and damage was increased. The drop was improved and they will now drop 4 new items (Green, Blue, Pink, Purple Powders) that will be used when crafting dungeon permits.
  • Reworked beta bosses, their rune will now drop from a chest and it will be more valuable. Also increased the amount of ingots and ancient coins that they drop. We replaced all existing upgrade materials from these bosses in players inventories with enough yang ingots as to cover their market value.
  • Reworked costume reinforcements. Removed reinforcement Chests and replaced them with reinforcement Fragments. Reinforcements will be craftable at Chen using the Fragments that drop in dungeons. Removed the reinforcements that gave useless bonuses.
  • Legendary reinforcements from itemshop are now cheaper. Added 25% PvM Reinforcement for weapon in itemshop. From today all Limited Offers costumes, hairstyles and weaponskins will be sold only without bonuses.
  • When you kill a Stone/Boss, it will no longer be counted as 1 in the weekly ranking, you will receive points depending on the hp of the stone or the boss for example, when you destroy a stone with 2kk hp, you get 10 points.
  • Made Joy Ring 7 days and to expire when you are offline too and raised it's drop rate.
  • Golden Frogs will directly drop Golden Fragments instead of Golden Chests.
  • Improved the Tanaka, Golden Frog, Fisherman nest maps visuals.
  • Removed Salmon Sushi, Catfish Sushi, Hwal Water, Dragon God Intelligence and Yellow Potion to clear the clutter of so many consumables.
  • You can craft 1x Boss Scroll (Hard) with 20x Boss Scroll(Normal) at the Alchimist.
  • Changed tanaka weapon bonuses to PvM.
  • Added Thief Glove + in the Disciple Chest I.
  • Fixed that you can't use right click on Custom Hairstyle(Epic) to register the request.
  • Now instead of Daily reward in description the items which are untradeable will have the attribute Soulbound (meaning not tradable).
  • Redesigned the window for the Dungeon Info Window (F6). You can now hide any dungeons that you don't want to do.
  • You can enter Alastor only from Hero 1.
  • All dungeons made single only Meley, Shadow, Alastor with party.
  • Fixed the boss effect that appears above their head.
  • Moonlight Chest will now only drop at lower levels, it was replaced by Sunlight Chest for high level.
  • Changed empire player's column with Level at Weekly Rankings.
  • Fixed the Dungeon Pass event for a few dungeons that didn't drop the pass when the event was active.
  • Fixed the problem where sometimes the dungeon mob waves would get stuck.