Patchnotes 3.8.9 [Maintenance 2.2.2024]

Super Game Master
Super Game Master
Posts: 326
Joined: 30 Aug 2021, 23:39


Maintenance 2.2.2023
Game version is now 3.8.9

  • Added February Battlepass.
  • Added February Event Calendar.
  • Added an NPC (Peddler) that will be available for a limited time in Map1 and Oasis.
  • You will find items from the itemshop, which are available with upgrade items currently worth very little on the market.
  • The offers will change and this NPC will appear for a limited time. It can occur once a week or twice a day, maybe for a day, 2 hours or even 30 minutes.
  • How will I know when it appears? Everyone will get a message from the system when it makes its appearance and for how long. For those who are not online in-game it will be announced on discord.
  • We will test this system because we want to help the market flow without interfering by changing the drop chances.
Fixes & Changes
  • Removed the remaining Fury Potions and Echanted Potion II.
  • Removed Enchanted Potion II from Letter Event.