Unban Account request

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Joined: 08 Jun 2021, 18:55

Nickname of the blocked characters: DaXeR

I request the following arguments / proofs from the game team:

i saw just , that the reason is that i have bought yang from yangseller. (195b) But this is not right. i sold yesterday 2 Items for 195B to someone, maybe there is something wrong ??
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Posts: 367
Joined: 14 Jan 2019, 22:48

Ofcourse you sold 2 items to a yangseller that doesn't even play the game.
1. Those 2 items are not worth even 20% of the sum that you received.
2. The items that you "sold" were traded back to you later so you didn't even sell anything, it was just a trick to say that you sold something in case you get banned.

You account is permanently banned for buying yang with real money.
