Patch 2.4.5
Bug Fixes
- Reduced search time in the searchshop at 5 seconds.
- The critical hit will be displayed in a different color.
- When you buy an item you will stack it if it already exists in the inventory.
- The belt can also be added to the Equipment Change system (F7).
- Slightly increased the pickup radius when pressing Z.
- Items purchased in the search shop list will disappear.
- You will remain on the mount after teleportation.
- The pets will remain activated after teleportation.
- All 5 bonuses will be added at once when bonusing an item.
- You can also preview items on the auction tab.
- Changed the appearance of the window when you throw an item.
- The prices of the items in the search shop will be categorized by color.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Ingot, World Boss Emblem and Treasury Chest multiple open option.
- Fixed shaman hits in PvM, some hits didn't count.
- Added Battlepass February.
- Added Power of the Elements.
- Added WIKI button next to EVENT button.
- Added K and J buttons as an offline store shortcut.
- A notification will appear in the upper left corner when something was sold in your shop.
Bug-uri fixate
- Scazut timp cautare in searchshop la 5 secunde.
- Lovitura critica va fi afisata cu alta culoare.
- Cand cumperi un item o sa il stacheze daca exista deja in inventar.
- Se poate adauga si curea la sistemul de Schimba Echipament(F7).
- Marita putin raza de pickup cu Z.
- Itemele cumparate in searchshop vor disparea.
- Veti ramane pe mount dupa teleportare.
- Peturile vor ramane activate dupa teleportare.
- Cand adaugati bonus cu intarirea obiectului se vor adauga din prima 5 bonusuri.
- Acum merge preview item si la licitatii.
- Schimbat aspectul ferestrei cand arunci un item.
- Item prices will be categorized by color.
Bug-uri fixate
- Rezolvata deschiderea defecta lingourilor si a altor iteme de genul.
- Rezolvate hiturile samanului in PvM.
- Adaugat Battlepass Februarie.
- Adaugat Power of the Elements.
- Adaugat buton de WIKI langa butonul de EVENT.
- Adaugat butoanele K si J ca shortcut pentru magazin offline.
- Va aparea o notificare in coltul din stanga sus cand s-a vandut ceva de pe offlineshop.