Server maintenance scheduled for 22.04.2019 - Patch 1.4.3
- The dissapearing time of the dropped item was lowered to 30 seconds.
- Mong Water was removed from the Moonlight Chest because it was already available in the General Shop.
- Updated the Driad Stone item description.
- The Strong vs. All bonus on the Ice Talisman was changed to Strong vs. Bosses.
- Solved a problem about the bonus description of the Hydra Shield in the english client.
- Solved a problem about the delay in teleporting in Nemere's Dungeon.
- Added the Fire Talisman at Razador. Bonuses: 1000 HP, 20% EXP, +10% Strong vs Metins.
- switched to most recent clang toolset and made code compatible with it
- switched to c++17 toolset and made code compatible
- Fixed a few coding flaws and possible core crashes
- Debug and release builds
- boost 1.70
- cryptopp 8.1
- upgrade to the most recent mariadb library instead of the old mysql lib
- ported all internal libs to c++ and created debug/release build
- cleanup of building process
- fixed makefiles to generate the code correctly (some internal libs could not be rebuilt and had issues with Depend. Now all is fixed)
- directory cleanup
- removed unnecessary boost linking and references to it
- cleaned up code, unnecessary includes and defines that could break building are gone
- removed unnecessary libraries, now only the base devIL, jpg and png are needed
Mentenanță programată pe data de 22.04.2019 - Patch 1.4.3
- Timpul de dispariţie al itemelor dropate pe jos a fost scăzut de la 60 la 30 de secunde.
- Apa Mong a fost scoasă de la dropul Cufărului Lumina Lunii deoarece era deja în shop la Magazinul General.
- Actualizată descrierea Pietrei Driadelor.
- Bonusul Tare vs All de pe Talismanul Gheţurilor schimbat în Tare vs Şefi.
- Rezolvată o problemă la descrierea bonusurilor oferite de Scutul Hydra pe clientul în engleză.
- Rezolvată o problemă la teleportarea cu delay în Temniţa lui Nemere.
- Adăugat Talismanul Focului la Razador. Bonusuri: +1000 PV, +20% EXP, +10% Tare vs Metine.
- am schimbat la cel mai recent clang toolset si am facut codul compatibil cu acesta
- am schimbat la c++17 toolsed si am facut codul compatibil cu acesta
- Am rezolvat cateva erori in cod si cateva posibile picari de CH
- Debug si release builds
- boost 1.70
- cryptopp 8.1
- am facut upgrade la cea mai recenta librarie mariadb in locul librariei vechi mysql
- am schimbat toate librariile interne in c++ si am creat debug/release build
- am curatat procesele de construire
- am rezolvat makefiles pentru a genera codul corect
- am curatat anumite fisiere
- am sters "boost linking" care nu era necesar
- am "curatat" codul, definitii si alte lucruri care putea sa strice codul au fost sterse
- am sters librariile care nu erau folositoare