Server Maintenance 10.04.2020 at 12:00- Patch 1.9.3
- Raised the FPS limit from 60 to 250. If you experience issues with this change, please notice us
- Added information about the FPS under the minimap.
- Raised the DMG limit that a player can do to Kaom/Nerius/Avarius to 300k.
- Added one more Fyodor and Indulf in the Rennaisance maps.
- Lowered the respawn cooldown of Fyodor and Indulf to 20m.
- Removed the Driad Stone from the easter metin stones.
- If you activated the "Other Items" option from the drop filter, you couldn't pick up anything.
- The character and pet level was not updating in real time.
- The camera distance option preference was not saving.
- Fixed a visual bug regarding selling stacks of 200 items to NPCs.
- Solved the issue with the Revolutionary Costume on shaman M.
- Fixed the PvM map.
- The title descriptions were not updating when hovering the cursor above them.
- The clicks were going through the inventory to the friend window if you had it open right under the inventory.
- The maintenance notice panel was appearing only on ch1.
- Magician Hairstyle(M) was bugged.
- The description on the pets found in the Magic Chest was saying that they can be found in the Magician's Chest.
Mentenanță programată la 10.04.2020 la 12:00 - Patch 1.9.3
- Marita limita de FPS-uri de la 60fps la maximum 250fps. Am facut asta in incercarea de a reduge din lag, daca sunt probleme dupa marirea la FPS, va rog sa raportati.
- Adaugat jos sub minimap informatii despre FPS.
- Marit limita sa nu mai poti da damage la kaom/nerius/avarius dupa 300k.
- Adăugat încă un Şef Fyodor şi Indulf în Hărţile Renaşterii.
- Scăzut timpul de respawn la 20 de minute al Şefilor Fyodor şi Indulf.
- Scoasa Piatra Driadelor de la metinele din harta de paste.
- Daca activai optiunea other items la acel filtru de drop nu puteai culege nimic de pe jos.
- Nu se actualiza nivelul la caracter si insotitor in timp real.
- Nu ramanea preferita la distanta camera salvata.
- Rezolvat un bug vizual, cand incercai sa vinziun stack de 200 iteme la npc.
- Rezolvata roblema cu fata la Chinga Revolutionar Saman M.
- Rezolvata mapa PvM.
- Descrierile titlurilor nu se actualizau in functie de titlul pe care tii sageata.
- Daca aveai fereastra de prieteni deschisa sub inventar, click-urile treceau prin inventar pana la acea fereastra.
- Numai pe ch1 aparea panoul de menteneanţă.
- Frizura Magician(M) nu se vedea.
- Pe toate descrierile pet-urilor din Cufărul Magic aparea ca pica din Cufărul Magician.